
sample code causes exception

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Code the in usage example (in views.py) says Paginator accepts the request object as a parameter. This causes an__init__() takes 3 arguments exception. After checking the source it looks like it should be

 p = Paginator(suburb_list, per_page=10)

which is also what ended up working for me.

Additionally the sample code for the Generic Class-Based View sets an object property as the model type, it should set the model property instead. As in

class MyModelListView(PaginationMixin, ListView):
    # Important, this tells the ListView class we are paginating
    paginate_by = 10

    # Replace it for your model or use the queryset attribute instead
    model = MyModel

I had this same issue, and updated it. Now getting another new error. On to the next! Thanks for posting @skrillex581!

@skrillex581 I also think the try/catch block should be updated or EmptyPage otherwise whats the point of importing it...

    page = request.GET.get('page', 1)
except PageNotAnInteger or EmptyPage:
    page = 1