
EventReg - Event Registration Platform - Register for Mystery Convention!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

EventReg - Register for MysteryCon 2022!

Event Reg

Link to live demo: EventRegi Demo

This project uses an API I am developing in another repo for data management. Link to my API repo: EventRegAPI Repo

About this Project

Initial scope:

  • Register as an attendee for an event--Mystery Convention 2022.

  • Multi-step checkout process using React, with Formik and Material UI, and MongoDB.

Join us at MysteryCon 2022: For True Fans of Mystery!

Event Reg
Landing Page
Contact Info
Item Selection

Tech used

  • JavaScript

MERN stack:

  • MongoDB / Mongoose
  • Express
  • React
  • Node.js


  • Material UI - helps with layout and multi-step
  • Formik - easier form management


Future features may include:

  • Multi-page registration
    • Demographic information
      • Conditional Demos
    • Items
    • Sessions
    • Visa (and print a visa letter in PDF)
    • Invite a friend (referral)
    • Payment
  • Registrant admin: Update record
  • Upgrade / Add items
  • Exhibitor booth staff registration
  • Event admin
    • Use "react-admin" as admin code?
    • Create, View, Edit, Delete
  • Reporting with graphic packages

TODO - Currently Working On

  • Review step:
    • Need to finish defining/setting up the Review route and files
    • Compare Items to Review
    • Items save to DB, user redirected to review step.
    • CREATING ReviewReginfo and ReviewItems to get the content onto the Review page... defining getUser in api.js to get the user info... Go over to the API now
    • Retrieve items
    • Display on page
    • Show prices
    • UUID is in the URL, so can develop the "retrieve from abandonment"
  • Use state or context to keep the UUID, maybe other info?


  • Header: Add graphic banner
  • Nav: make future steps not clickable (or switch to use MUI stepper)
  • v2? DB connect code, move to separate file and include
  • FORMS/Formik: put MaterialUI onto form components incl. buttons
  • Reginfo: Make State and Country use select inputs
  • FORMS/FORMIK: Use form components from separate files
  • Items: Add initial items
  • Items: Add price on-page; align right
  • FORMS/FORMIK: Add Radio buttons form component (might not need to right now)
  • Items (FORMIK/MaterialUI): Add deselect conflicting items (FormGroup?)
  • Items: Add separate records for each item, referenced back by uuid to registrant.
  • Items: each one needs recordstatus (temp or purchased for example, or removed, or waiting list?)
  • Item: Do I need one schema for ITEM? And another for ITEMS?
  • Item: Need to loop through adding items, unlike when adding one user?
  • FORMS/Formik: initial values, what to do for this? e.g. uuid
  • FORMS/Formik: passing by
  • Get uuid from localStorage, or if not in localstorage, then URL params
  • v2 put UUID into route so you can track progress, return to step
  • Route: /attendee/demo/uuid = demos - should it grab the showcode from the UUID record? or put into URL?
  • v2 Reginfo: Get showcode from URL, to insert into default hidden field (and other uses)
  • Reginfo: Feedback after submit... that you were successful
  • Reginfo: Feedback after submit...duplicate email
  • Reginfo: Success, redirect to Items
  • v2 Reginfo: if duplicate email, highlight field and make you change it
  • v2 Reginfo: AJAX check for duplicate email in db (AND ACTIVE)
  • v2 DEMOS ARE V2
  • ITEMS: Add step where you choose 1 of three items
  • Review: Show items you chose
  • Payment: Save Order Total with order
  • Payment: Show you order total
  • Payment: when submit, change regStatus to active
  • Payment: Why did layout change? seems odd. it changed when I added Country/ State dropdowns
  • Confirm step: return an ordernumber, order details after submit successfully


  • Showcode: Have pages show something specific based on showcode
  • Header & Nav: Replace Nav with MaterialUI Stepper?
  • Layout: MUI: Make fields area "bigger"? Remove border? (maybe postpone this)
  • Reginfo: add more user fields
  • Reginfo: Remove "use address for payment details"?


  • DESIGN: LANDING PAGE (Add a step with just image and arrow?) (https://www.mongodb.com/live)
  • Change TITLE, metadata, favicon
  • Hook up to database
  • Database: Save submitted information to MongoDB
  • Fix browser error on step 1
  • Reginfo: Pull Countries from a data source
  • Make API url configurable to use remote when on hosting and local api when localhost
  • Confirm: Link to return to start
  • UUID library - node: Check out this package and add
  • Move checkout code to its own repo
  • Set up routes on default screen so that checkout is moved to separate route
  • Route: / make it a landing page with link to AT reginfo
  • Route: /attendee/reginfo/showcode = reginfo
  • Header: Remove AppBar
  • Reginfo: send just user fields
  • Reginfo: add field for regStatus - temp, active, or inactive
  • Reginfo: put showcode into user record so we know what event they are registering for
  • Reginfo: when checking email address, also check against same showcode

Improvements / Optimizations

  • Nav: put text below step, to save space?
  • Layout: wider, taller? Test on mobile
  • Payment: Accept/validate other types of credit cards
  • Database: split data into User, Order, Item, Payment
  • Reginfo: Zipcode should accept Canada and other forms of zipcode
  • Reginfo: Have State populate only if country = United States of America (Requires state management?)
  • Reginfo: Add Canada provinces and Mexico states, and only load for each of those countries
  • Reginfo: Make the Country and State data source MongoDB?
  • Reginfo: Can Formik pre-fill fields such as Country?
  • Reginfo: Can Formik get settings for fields from a data source?
  • Database: save submitted changes as you go?
  • Database: Get form info from database (e.g. fields)
  • Should I take out Material UI to make it easier to use Formik features? Like having fields dependent on other fields.
  • Send confirmation email
  • Auth: Add final step to ask user if they want to add a username and email, for authentication and future login
  • Reginfo: Zipcode, lookup and set state and maybe country