
An android app that check the bitcoin arbitrage rates between the Luno and Kraken Exchanges

Primary LanguageJava


An android app that check the bitcoin arbitrage rates between the Luno and Kraken Exchanges

This app presents an interface that allows a user to input a EUR/ZAR exchange rate and shows the various arbitrage details on screen.

Update: Allow the user to select a capital amount of either R50,000 or R100,000

The details include:

  • The kraken XBT/EUR price (Fetched using the Kraken API)
  • The exchange rate that the user has entered
  • The XBT/ZAR price (Fetched from the Luno API)
  • The raw percentage difference in the two prices.
  • The estimates profit percentage after fees have been accounted for
  • The estimated profit in Rands