
FR: Support for timescaledb 1.7.4

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hey. I attempted to use this adapter with Azure postgres offering where only timescale 1.7.4 is available. Sadly it fails right out the gate due to the meta table having a different name in the older version (timescaledb_information.hypertable instead of timescaledb_information.hypertables).

So my question is, do you have any plans to make this adapter more dynamic and allow it to support the older version too? Or would you be willing to accept patches which add support for this? As we need this I am willing to take on the effort required and want to know which direction to take (either patching and contributing back upstream or just forking it).

Nice! This message totally skipped my radar, but I'll be happy to merge in working patches that will support older versions of timescaledb.

You can use the previous version, I will grab the version in the morning. I have a project that I can't change from 1.7 and the previous version works fine.