
btle scanner

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Can show you the mac address of ble devices around you
However it's still buggy.
I bypassed crc test, only preamble and address is judged, which caused some bits mistaken.
If I dont bypass that, no result will be shown.
I think it's the radio parameters causing some noise, so that I can never pass crc test.

This is the result yesterday. I am comparing portapack with computer running hcitool lescan (that is scanning using bluetooth chip)

Sometimes results are right, sometimes not, like the last 2 lines in photo below

I made some improvements today. Like limiting bandwidth to 4MHz. I can actually filter the result with crc now. There will be some results popping out even after crc check. However the results have more mistakes even more than those without crc check. There is a pattern in the mistakes. First 3 bytes are always right, last 3 bytes are always wrong and even more mistaken than the results without crc.

I commented in the code, with or without crc check. If someone is interested can give that a try.

very nice work!
thanks for sharing this project!