
[Meta] Unsupported filters

jamiebrynes7 opened this issue · 5 comments

Despite the claims of Todoist's API docs it seems there are some unsupported filter keywords. This ticket tracks these as we run into them, I'll also report it to Todoist and hopefully over time these will become supported!

  • Wildcards in filters #94
  • Comma separated filters #268

hello, API issues in #11 and #33 seems to be working now. If you may please double check. Thanks a lot Jamie.

Hey everyone, a newbie here. Have made some progress with your toolset (thank you) but I am really having a hard time pulling in todos that are within projects. I am able to get one project to appear but nothing in a second project.

I am using. This pulls in the tasks within the first project I created, but not the second. Any ideas?

name: My Tasks
filter: "## inbox | today | overdue"

Hi, I am using the following filter to see all tasks that are due next week:

(due: next week | due after: next week) & due before: 1 week after next week

Today is 13 September and the filter pull all the tasks until 26 September.

My "Next Week day" in Todoist is set on Monday, so in this example this query should return tasks from 18 September to 24 September.

Am I doing something wrong?

Thank you

The following filter works in the Todoist app/website but not in the plugin. The filter produces empty results in the plugin due to the Todoist API incorrectly returning no items.


Related GET request URL from the log:

The URL with raw filter also yields an empty result:

Similarly, other filters with $ do not work as expected:
@$ food

I've confirmed that other symbols in the filter work just fine. For example, the below filter works, and GET requests with both encoded and raw filters produce the expected results.


My filter is set up as follows: "search: {{filename}}"

Unfortunately, the API seems to have problems with vowel mutation (ä, ö, ü) and "()" (brackets).