
Error upon first run

Opened this issue · 3 comments


I followed the docs however this is the error I see when I run npm run watch. How to remedy this issue?

Looks like the typescript hasn't compiled but I can't replicate this on my end.
Could you post the output of the npm run watch command?

Seeing this as well after cloning for a new project.

Here's the output of npm run watch:
Screen Shot 2020-07-08 at 1 38 34 PM

Ah, maybe some confusion of how to get started.

How I started:

  1. Figma: Plugins > Development > New Plugin...
  2. Figma: Template: "With UI & browser APIs"
  3. Figma: Save as...
  4. Copy ID from the generated manifest.json
  5. Paste into this project's manifest.json

missing steps:

  1. You can just delete this new plugin from Figma now, you just needed an ID (Plugins > Manage > Remove...)
  2. Figma: Plugins > Development > New Plugin... > Link existing plugin
  3. Select this project's manifest.json file
  4. Run npm run watch again
  5. Figma: Plugins > {{ your plugin }}
  6. No errors!