
Relational table not showing the value correctly

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Hi , Thank you for the code really helped me speed up the process but I tried generating the app using my two tables ( payment & Payment_status) , but keep getting wrong value for my foreign key

when I try to add a payment record the status field is showing the ID value from the reference table instead of showing the status text like paid or canceled .. instead its showing 1 , 2 ...

but on the display page its showing values properly but not in create record page !?

please see the below setup

payment table:

CREATE TABLE payments(
    ID int NOT NULL,
    student name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    title varchar(255),
    details varchar(255),
    Status varchar(255),

and for the payment_status table I've got the below
CREATE TABLE payments( ID int NOT NULL, status varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY (ID) INDEX KEY (STATUS) );

Just a quick question are you on the latest Github commit? There was a bug that tables with only two (2) columns were not displayed properly. This is fixed in the latest commit: but that commit does not have a release yet.

I have downloaded the application from the GitHub link .. I'm not sure where to get the latest version