
Inconsistent values of bg_1 and bg_2 in the-values.md

zeta709 opened this issue · 1 comments

The values of bg_1 and bg_2 seem incorrect in the-values.md.
For example, comparing the values in the-values.md and urxvt/selenized-dark.xdefaults, you can see differences like:

bg_1: #184956 vs. #174956
bg_2: #2d5b69 vs. #325b66

bg_1: #ece3cc vs. #e9e4d0
bg_2: #d5cdb6 vs. #cfcebe

After having a look at the git history, I found that the document shows an older version of color set. Commit c5d9447 seems to be related.

@zeta709 thanks for pointing this out. So every theme that's based on the-values.md is then slightly incorrect?
That would be quite unfortunate.

I think this is currently the most important issues/PR that should be fixed/merged.

@jan-warchol could you please take a look?