Exemplar Service

A fictional payment service acting as my idea of an exemplar SpringBoot microservice. Temporarily hosted at http://exemplar-service.janakerman.co.uk.

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"organisationId":"MyOrg","amount":{"value":"100.00","currencyCode":"GBP"}}' exemplar-service.janakerman.co.uk/payments

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"organisationId":"MyOrg","amount":{"value":"100.00","currencyCode":"GBP"}}' exemplar-service.janakerman.co.uk/payments                                          

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"organisationId":"MyOrg","amount":{"value":"100.00","currencyCode":"GBP"}}' exemplar-service.janakerman.co.uk/payments                                          

$ curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" exemplar-service.janakerman.co.uk/payments

Deploying the Service

The /deployment folder contains Terraform resources to deploy the dockerised application onto AWS Fargate, a container orchestration service.


  • Install Terraform
  • AWS credentials configured
  1. Build local Docker image and tag with repository. e.g

    docker build --tag janakerman/exemplar-service

  2. Push Docker image to repository. This would be part of a CI pipeline after tests pass.

    docker push janakerman/exemplar-service

  3. Initialize AWS Fargate cluster and deploy the application.

cd deployment
terraform init
terraform plan -out plan.tf
terraform apply plan.tf


Frameworks / Libraries

  • SpringBoot was chosen as it requires very little configuration and has sensible defaults for most web services.
  • Gradle was chosen for dependency management, due to the easy integration with SpringBoot.
  • Spring Data provides easy integration with repositories, in this example, with DynamoDB.
  • SpringBoot Actuator adds production grade features to a service, such as health check endpoints.
  • Lombok uses annotations to reduce boilerplate code, keeping the intent of domain and DTO classes clear.

Rest API

API design is a typical RESTful design and centers around the Payment resource at /payments. Format accepted by the server is application/json.

It allows the following methods:

  • GET /payments - Get all payments. If query functionality was to be added, it would also be against this endpoint.
  • GET /payments/{ID} - Get payment by ID.
  • POST /payments - Create a payment. Payment ID generated by server.
  • PUT /payments - Create/update a payment. Complete payment resource provided. Will replace existing payment if ID exists.
  • PATCH /payments - Update an existing payment. Payment ID required, other fields optional. Updates an existing Payment.
  • DELETE /payments/{ID} - Delete a payment by ID.

The payment API exposes payment amounts as an object containing string value and currencyCode. The maximum number of decimal places is determined by the default number of decimal places for the given currency any payments with units smaller than this are rejected. E.g

  • {"value":"100.00","currencyCode":"GBP"} - valid
  • {"value":"100.001","currencyCode":"GBP"} - invalid
  • {"value":"100.000","currencyCode":"JOD"} - valid
  • {"value":"100.0001","currencyCode":"GBP"} - invalid

Values returned from the service are rounded to the currencies default number of decimal places, with rounding mode 'round up'. Since the service owns its database, the limitation above should avoid these occurrences.

The use of a string value in the API removes any issues with precision or accuracy and leaves it to the client to parse the value as makes sense for their language/environment. This could be extended to provide additional integer subValue (i.e pence) and potentially a displayValue.


Controller Layer

The Controller layer transforms the external API representation of a payment (Domain Transfer Objects/DTOs) into the internal payment domain objects.

It communicates with the Service layer to invoke business logic operations, and Payment domain from the Service layer into DTOs for response to the client.

In the SpringBoot framework, it is also responsible for configuring the REST endpoints and defining the service's API via annotations.


Minimal validation takes place in this layer, simply that the DTO can successfully be marshaled into the Domain representation.

Service Layer

The Service layer's interface accepts Domain objects only and is the layer that should contain business logic and communicate with the Domain objects. In this example service there is very little business logic due to simplicity of domain. The Service layer communicates with other external interfaces that the service depends on to function.

In this example, the Service layer communicates with the Repository layer to persist payment domain objects. It calls onto classes in the Repository layer to transform the Domain objects into the database representation (Entities).


Payment domain objects passed to the service layer are validated for the command they are performing, for example, create methods validate payment objects for all required fields, whereas update methods are only validated to contain an id field. Validation failures throw an exception which is handled by the Controller layer.


The Payment Domain object is similar to the DTO except that it stores the amount's value as a BigDecimal for arbitrary precision.


The Repository layer is responsible for persisting entities. The persistence option for this layer was chosen to be a NoSQL store, DynamoDB. NoSQL databases are quick to get up and running with due to an implied schema rather than one enforced with constraints and relationships. DynamoDB provides a production ready document store, suitable for operating at scale, with very little up-front effort.

A NoSQL store fits the requirements of this service, and whilst NoSQL stores can be very powerful with careful indexing, it is appreciated that as the service evolves, the schema-less nature of a NoSQL store may become limiting if complex relational queries are required.

The fact that very little time was put into the configuration service means that the replacement of the store as the requirements evolve would not result in significant wasted development time.


There are three levels of tests covering the service's functionality, demonstrating the typical test pyramid.

The largest number of tests are unit tests, covering small units of functionality, providing very fast feedback during development.

The next level of tests would be integration tests. This tests cover integrations of multiple units of functionality. The controller tests are the closest example of an integration test, as they test Spring controller wiring, any exception handling and use the Rest Assured library to assert aspects of the request. These tests are slower than unit tests and are thus fewer, but are less brittle.

The next level of tests are acceptance tests. These are the slowest, and are thus the fewest. Acceptance tests in this project cover the core business requirements of the application.

Potential Further Testing

  1. Container based tests. A simple set of tests to ensure that the containerised service is still functional. Performed on a build server prior to deployment of the service to a CI environment.
  2. Contract based testing. Tests provided by the service's clients to ensure that breaking changes are not introduced to client inadvertently. Performed on a build server prior to deployment of the service to a CI environment.
  3. Smoke/regression packs in CI environments.


Minimal logging has been added to the service but a production ready service would typically have ample logging along critical paths to allow for offline debugging.

Deployment Architecture

Infrastructure is managed using Terraform which is a declarative tool for provisioning infrastructure. Terraform provides a provider for AWS, the target platform. This is an quick example deployment and is not production ready itself.

The application is deployed on ECS Fargate cluster, a container orchestration service. This provides a quick way to get an application deployed without having to provision EC2 instances. The application is fronted by an Application Load Balancer to spread the load over two services.


The ECS Service is spread over two AZs for moderate amount of availability. Health checks performed by the ALB remove unhealthy target tasks replacing with new task instances.


The ALB has a security group allowing access from the open internet over port 80. The ECS service has a security group that only allows traffic from the ALB over port 8080.

The ALB and the ECS Service sit within a public subnet. Since access to the service is forced via the ALB, the service could be moved to a private subnet for improved security.

An IAM role/polciy has been created giving the EC2 task access to the required services. This could be further locked down to limit the tasks to exactly the permissions required.