
Sokoban game in Python for Artificial Intelligence class

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Assignment 2
Jane Kim

Sokoban game in Python for Artificial Intelligence class. See assignment.txt for specs.

#####Specs OS: Mac OSX
Language: Python 2.7.1 Editor: Sublime Text 3


  • To run test suite and see output in results.txt:
python test.py > results.txt
  • To run your own puzzle:
python test.py <puzzle filename>

##Notes on Implementation

  • Only BFS and UCS are implemented. The algorithms mostly follow the pseudocode presented in the textbook.
  • Please see results.txt for the output of the test runs
  • I decided to use sets for the board components in order to check for equality very quickly and membership.
  • Explored nodes are also in a set in order to quickly check if a node was already explored; the comparison of board nodes is by the position of boxes and goals.
  • I created a custom queue MyQueue with some useful overloaded methods for this project.
  • Runtime is calculated by subtracting the time at the beginning of function execution to the end using the Python time module.
  • copy.deepcopy() used to create new nodes. Every deepcopy() added to the nodes_generated counter.
  • In general, in each search file, search() prints results and returns a board if the search is successful; otherwise, the function terminates.
  • m in moves used to iterate thorugh moves available (calculated through Board.moves_available())
  • Puzzles written up by professor live in puzzles/
  • For the possible ways to run the program, the optional filename is taken from command line arguments. The option to use different search algos is presented through a command line prompt.
  • heapq module used in UCS for sorting capabilities and quick retrieval capabilities.