
How to set torque?

aagum-bae opened this issue · 2 comments

My question is not very specific to the library itself but is more general, from what I understand, higher the current to the motor coil, higher the torque, but I have set 1.2A current through the Vref pin and have also set currentperecentage to 100 in the code, but the torque is too low ( i havent measured it, but just felt it using my finger), the torque is too low when compared to the same stepper motor run using TMC2209 and a BigTreeTech 3-D printer board based on stm32

How is the BigTreeTech board able to run the motor with higher torque?

It depends on what other settings you are using. Vref is ignored unless you are using analog current scaling. If you are not using automatic current scaling, then try changing the pwm offset value with setPwmOffset(pwm_amplitude) pwm_amplitude range: 0-255. Increase pwm_amplitude and see if that increases the torque. If you are spinning at relatively higher speeds then you may need to also change the pwm gradient value.

Thanks, changing pwm offset value helped