
Feature Request: Function aliases that use TMC2209 datasheet parameter names

LenStruttmann opened this issue · 3 comments

Admittedly, I am somewhat of a newbie, but one of the most difficult problems that I have using your wonderful library is tying the parameter names with your extended function names. For example, using the TCM2209 datasheet I see that I must set TCOOLTHRS. But, how to do that? I need to search through TMC2209.cpp and finally find that the function is setCoolStepDurationThreshold(). For me, my eyes just glaze over when I see such a big glob of characters and I find it nearly impossible to remember that setCoolStepDurationThreshold equates to TCOOLTHRS. It would help me (and I suppose many others) if there was a function
void TCOOLTHRS(uint32_t duration_threshold) to set the value.

Similarly, for values that can be read, a simple function like
uint32_t TSTEP() is, to me, much easier to tie into the datasheet than getInterstepDuration().

Thanks for all that you do.

Hi strut, if and until this is implemented, you can rename the functions yourelf and use.

That is my plan, thanks!

I am thinking of doing a pretty major rewrite, so I will definitely keep this in mind, thanks!