
Summaries of Harry Potter fanfics, scraped (with permission) from Ao3

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Thanks to some heroic work by @b8horpet in scraping (with permission) hundreds of thousands of Harry Potter fan fiction titles and summaries from AO3, here's a dataset of 111,963 Harry Potter fanfiction titles, authors, and summaries.

Scraping date: June 27, 2017

Site: Ao3's Harry Potter Fan Fiction repository

Format: Each fan fiction entry on a single line:

Title by Author | Summary text

Pre-cleaned to remove entries containing non-Roman characters (i.e. entries in Japanese and Arabic).

This also had the effect of barely bringing the file size below GitHub's 25MB limit.

There are still lots of entries in French, Spanish, German, etc, which may cause your algorithms some headaches.

See the results of my experiments with this dataset here:



Some highlights:

Shatters by Kis [archived by TheHexFiles_archivist ] Based on the Spot Are It Falls Into A Heir by NextrangeOnTheThree Draco and Hermione share a whole indescribbening.

New Moon Boys by Dungoonke for Loki_Kukaka Severus Snape comes back to a night’s politics.

The Secretary Of the World Challenge inspired by GoF and la mating resigns de la mill colors per mereple beruit carteur la pelete el wert rardo completing and herillo intus den una a des rush sentines kelta an transoles…

Birds of a Saturday by SasuNarufan13 Harry Potter is drunk and discovers he is an alternate universe.

The Secrets We Get by orphan _ account | What if Harry Potter was born? What if Harry Potter had been raised by the Dursleys and had a few friends and a few friends? What if he hadn’t been a Death Eater? What if he had been raised by his godfather? What if he was raised by the Dursleys? What if he had been raised as a Half-blood Prince? What if he didn’t know that he’d been pregnant? What if he was raised in the dark and he became a Death Eater? What if he wanted his parents to be in Gryffindor? What if he was a hero? What if he had found out? What if Harry Potter was not a father? What if he had a twin sister, a very different boyfriend.

A Hero’s Tale by orphan _ account | Harry Potter is a wizard, and he is a wizard. He is a wizard. He is a wizard, a wizard, a wizard, and a son. He is also a Slytherin, and he is a wizard. He is a wizard, and he is a wizard. He is also a wizard, and he has not been the one to be a father.