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janerikvw commented
- Binop needs to know type
- (not important)implicit conversions warning
- type checking function parameters
- funtion return stmt type check
- (not important)Give error if function does not have a return statement except for void
- (not important)What to do about implicit conversions, bv return 1 in a boolean function
- First { of nested function is not printed
- Boolean operation '>' does not work (change in binop node in type checking traversal)
- check forloop scoping
- int a = 0 only gets translated to istore 0
- Give use uninitialized variable error;
- Return statement needs type
- Floats do not work
- Every function needs a return statement, all possible controlflows
- Add float and bool to everything such as LOAD and STORE
- export functions
high priority:
- Cast booleans to ints and floats based on conditionals
- Generate boolean expressions
- monops
- casting
- Rename for loop incrementor with underscore
- Calculate function offsets after code generation
- Shift reduce conflicts
- Add a return statement to void functions automatically (maybe codegen)
- Do in __init
low priority:
- move subfunctions outside of main function
- Nested functions do not work when statements after or vardecs before function
- Fix return stmts for nested functions
- How to change a node type inside a node?
- Are monops working?