
Please support `tx abrt` perf event

dmills7 opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi, thank you all for creating and maintaining magic-trace!

In one of the applications I've been very keen to profile I am getting this error about an unsupported tx abrt event.

[ Decoding, this takes a while... ]
(monitor.ml Error
  ("BUG: exception raised while parsing perf output. Please report this to https://github.com/janestreet/magic-trace/issues/"
    (exn Not_found)
    (perf_output "17585/17585 45241.495564462: tx abrt 7fffddddc4af [my_function_name] => ... "))
  ("Raised at Base__Error.raise in file \"src/error.ml\", ... )

Note: I am using magic-trace v1.1.0.

I realised there has been an issue "Support more perf event kinds" #31 that got closed with:

We support all of these now except for async, tx abrt, vmentry and vmexit. Closing this ticket because these are unlikely to come up in the same context as magic-trace is used (but please open a ticket if you find otherwise).

It would be really awesome if tx abrt was also supported 👍

Thank you