Weird error with unicode characters in path "Wildcards don't work in the directory specification"
ccoenen opened this issue · 18 comments
This may not be a bug in mini_exiftool, but right now, i don't really know what to make of it. If you could help me pin it down, that would be amazing.
I'm on windows, and i have path names that contain unicode characters. One path looks like this:
C:\tmp\2015-03-23 Test with german umlaut äöü\IMG_1000.JPG
Now if i fire up an irb
, i can open that file with ruby, but not with mini_magick
f ="C:/tmp/2015-03-23 Test with german umlaut äöü/IMG_1000.JPG")
# => #<File:C:/tmp/2015-03-23 Test with german umlaut äöü/IMG_1000.jpeg>
# => 18713
# so far, so good! Let's try mini_exiftool, now.
require 'mini_exiftool'
# => true
m ="C:/tmp/2015-03-23 Test with german umlaut äöü/IMG_1000.JPG")
# MiniExiftool::Error: Wildcards don't work in the directory specification
# No matching files
# from C:/Tools/Ruby21/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/mini_exiftool-2.5.0/lib/mini_exiftool.rb:137:in `load'
# from C:/Tools/Ruby21/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/mini_exiftool-2.5.0/lib/mini_exiftool.rb:101:in `initialize'
# from (irb):11:in `new'
# from (irb):11
# from C:/Tools/Ruby21/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'
note that this is not a "file not found", because i can easily provoke that:
m ="C:/tmp/2015-03-23 Test with german umlaut äöü/IMG_1337.JPG")
# MiniExiftool::Error: File 'C:/tmp/2015-03-23 Test with german umlaut äöü/IMG_1337.JPG' does not exist.
# from C:/Tools/Ruby21/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/mini_exiftool-2.5.0/lib/mini_exiftool.rb:121:in `load'
# ...
the same example works fine, if i change the directory name to omit the äöü
m ="C:/tmp/2015-03-23 Test without german umlaut/IMG_1000.JPG")
# => #<MiniExiftool:0x3031f50 @opts={:numerical=>false, :composite=>true, ...
The error message (Wildcards don't work in the directory specification) does not come from anywhere within mini_exiftool, at least not that i can find it with github's code search.
Exiftool itself is also not at fault (at least not alone), because i can do this without a problem:
> exiftool.exe "C:\tmp\2015-03-23 Test with german umlaut äöü\IMG_1000.JPG"
ExifTool Version Number : 9.90
File Name : IMG_1000.JPG
I'm really somewhat stuck.
This does not change if i'm using backslashes instead of forward slashes.
I'm doing a lot to handle encoding and escaping particularly for filenames in mini_exiftool. What is the result of
on your windows system?
# =><Encoding:Windows-1252>
This is a Windows 7 (x64) machine with this environment:
C:\Users\user>bundler env
Bundler 1.7.12
Ruby 2.1.5 (2014-11-13 patchlevel 273) [i386-mingw32]
Rubygems 2.4.6
This seems to be correct. I have no idea. Maybe a look at the executed command line will be helpful:
$DEBUG = true
m ="C:/tmp/2015-03-23 Test with german umlaut äöü/IMG_1337.JPG")
exiftool -j "C:/tmp/2009-03-07 test Path ???/IMG_4224.JPG"
- it seems to replace the umlauts with question marks, which are a wildcard on windows (single character).
In which encoding is your source file written? Do you use the correct magic comment?
The examples earlier were from irb, with no encoding set, explicitly.
Here's all of the encoding outputs for reference
# <Encoding:CP850>
# nil
From within the irb i ran the following commands:
Encoding.default_external = 'utf-8'
# "utf-8"
Encoding.default_internal = 'utf-8'
# "utf-8"
require 'mini_exiftool'
# true
m ="C:/tmp/2009-03-07 test Path äöü/IMG_1000.JPG")
# MiniExiftool::Error: Wildcards don't work in the directory specification
# No matching files
# ...
I also put this into a ruby file (and i double checked that it was actually saved as UTF-8)
#encoding: UTF-8
Encoding.default_external = 'utf-8'
Encoding.default_internal = 'utf-8'
require 'mini_exiftool'
m ="C:/tmp/2009-03-07 test Path äöü/IMG_4224.JPG")
puts m
It fails with the same Wildcards-Error-Message.
Could you try (UTF-8 encoded)?
#encoding: UTF-8
puts `exiftool.exe "C:/tmp/2009-03-07 test Path äöü/IMG_1000.JPG"`
it can't find the file, but what i find more interesting is, that the encoding is wonky, so maybe it's already broken before it hits exiftool? I ran these lines:
# encoding: UTF-8
# äöü
require 'open3'
Encoding.default_external = 'UTF-8'
paths = [
"\"C:/tmp/test äöü/201412050001hq.jpg\"",
"\"C:\\tmp\\test äöü\\201412050001hq.jpg\""
paths.each do |path|
puts "## Run with path: #{path}"
puts "*backticks*\n"
out = `exiftool.exe #{path} 2>&1`
puts ' ' + out
puts ' ' + out.force_encoding(Encoding.find('filesystem')).encode('UTF-8')
puts "*popen3*\n"
stdin, stdout, _ = Open3.popen3("exiftool.exe #{path} 2>&1")
out =
puts ' ' + out
puts ' ' + out.force_encoding(Encoding.find('filesystem')).encode('UTF-8')
which produces this output:
## Run with path: "C:/tmp/test äöü/201412050001hq.jpg"
File not found: C:/tmp/test 巼/201412050001hq.jpg
File not found: C:/tmp/test äöü/201412050001hq.jpg
File not found: C:/tmp/test 巼/201412050001hq.jpg
File not found: C:/tmp/test äöü/201412050001hq.jpg
## Run with path: "C:\tmp\test äöü\201412050001hq.jpg"
File not found: C:/tmp/test 巼/201412050001hq.jpg
File not found: C:/tmp/test äöü/201412050001hq.jpg
File not found: C:/tmp/test 巼/201412050001hq.jpg
File not found: C:/tmp/test äöü/201412050001hq.jpg
The broken characters may not end up correctly in here, so i also made a screenshot from Notepad++, where broken characters are displayed as hex:
(just to make sure: i ran the same test on Ruby 2.2.1x64 on windows just now. Same output)
This might be interesting: this has been introduced/changed on 2015-01-04. My tests have been with 9.90, so this might explain some of the encoding weirdness.
I tried specifying the -charset FileName=cp1252
(and UTF8
, while i was at it), it didn't change the file not found. As long as that does not work in any way, i don't think mini_exiftool is to blame. If i can't get to the file from a simple backtick or popen3, i don't think mini_exiftool can.
How should i continue? Do we close this ticket unresolved (upstream problem somewhere)? Do we leave it open?
I don't get it?! I can use umlaut files with multi_exiftool?! What the actual f*ck?! Sorry. I'm going to post an example over there in the next few hours.
Here's the change i did, that fixes umlauts and lets all of multi_exiftools tests pass. ccoenen/multi_exiftool@4b836a6 For some reason, though, i can't get it to work in backticks or popen3 (as described above).
I'm here few years late but I had the same issue, my fix was install ruby and exiftool over Linux and it worked perfectly.
Hope this comment will be helpful.
@ManuelSamudio12 The intention was to get it working under Windows. ;-)
Same here, trying to create context menu with batch file
REG ADD "HKCR\*\shell\ExifTool\command" /t REG_SZ /d "\"%systemroot%\system32\cmd.exe\" /K exiftool \"%%L\"" /f
works just fine if the file is in standard named folder, but not work if the file is in folders with special charactersm in my case the special character is Δ
but when i cd
to the directory contains special character, and then run open command prompt in that folder / cmd
> then type exiftool <file>
, it works just fine (exiftool shows information about the file)