
Problems encountered with v0.36

PeterV989 opened this issue · 1 comments

I like the new "frontend". However, I discovered a few issues on my first look.

  1. I still don't see the stock UI elements. I added the directive "--%%nostock=false" with no apparent effect.

  2. I clicked across the Navbar elements. At some point the emulator died again with the stack overflow crash. I tried to recreate what I did to cause the stack overflow but got nothing.

  3. There is nothing displayed on the frontend config page. Just the Navbar and your ©Copyleft footer.

  4. On the QA UI elements, when I open the drop down, there is a nice "swirl" animation at the right side of the page, but the "+" turns into a "+" again. I like being able to expand more than one element at a time. Please don't "fix" that. 😁

  5. One last annoyance. This is merely a typo but it offends my OCD-ness. In the About text, please fix "pyton3" to "python3". My eye always snaps to that everywhere I see it.

Hope this helps. You have probably addressed these already but I wanted to help.

  1. Currently only works for QAs of specific types. I will fix so that if a type inherits from another type that has a stock ui it will inherit it. ex. if you have a fibaro.com.doorSensor you will get the stock ui from com.fibaro.binarySensor
    This is a test program to generate children of the currently supported stock UIs
function MyQAChild:__init(device)
    QuickAppChild.__init(self, device)

local stocks = {
function QuickApp:onInit()
    for _,t in ipairs(stocks) do
        self:createChildDevice({ name = "test_"..t:match("%.(%w+)$"), type = t }, MyQAChild)

In the new frontend I'm still working with the visual representation...

  1. Yes, I'm hunting that bug and have some ideas... but it shows up less and less. It seems to have to do with the python http library repeatedly retrying when it can't connect eventually eating too much stack space. It seems to become an issue for me as I have a memory limited Lua vm. I think there is an option to limit the http request trials...

  2. Added "Not implemented yet" text...

  3. Yes, it's not my UI widget and I don't really know what the right hand mark is used for. I can remove the + completely, if we get tired of it. The real cue is the left hand arrow.

  4. Thanks, fixed