
An object-oriented application using ES6 classes. This program simulates a set of flash cards through the command line. A user can see questions, take guesses, and receive a final score.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mod 2 Flash Cards

Need some help studying Mod 2 material?

These digital flashcards will quiz you on javascript arrays, objects, prototype methods, iterator methods, and more! Directly from your CLI (command line terminal)! You will have the opportunity to select an answer to each question, and be scored as correct or incorrect.

No need to waste any more paper! It's the fast, and quick way to test your knowledge!


flash cards example gif

Technologies Used

  • Javascript
  • Mocha testing framework
  • Chai assertion library
  • ESLint

Install & Setup Instructions

1) Clone down the forked repo (from your GitHub account).

  • In your terminal, navigate into the directory that you want to save this repo.
  • Paste the git clone code below into your terminal.
git clone git@github.com:janitastic/mod2-flashcards.git

2) Once you have cloned the repo, change into the newly cloned directory (flashcards).

cd mod2-flashcards

3) Install the library dependencies. Run:

npm install

4) To verify that it is setup correctly, run node index.js from the root of your project should result in the following message being displayed in your terminal:

Node server running on port 3000

 ** Welcome to FlashCards! **
 You are playing with 30 cards.
 Instructions: When prompted with a question, select your answer and press enter.
 - You can make your selection either by entering the corresponding number digit followed by the enter key,
    or by using the up and down arrow keys followed by the enter key.
 - After receiving your response feedback, press the enter key again to continue to the next question.
 - To exit the game at any time, press 'ctrl + c' on your keyboard
 Happy studying! 

? What allows you to define a set of related information using key-value pairs? 
  1) object
  2) array
  3) function

**To exit the flashcards at any point, press ctrl + c on your keyboard in your terminal.