
About the dataset codes

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hello ,

When I run poccess_raw.m, I got into several errors:

1)Error in get_synched_frames (line 20)
files = regexp(ls(sceneDir), '(\s+|\n)', 'split');
And the error shows:The 'STRING' input must be either a char row vector, a cell array of char row vectors, or a string array.

2)When I used cellstr to change it into a cell array. I got a second error:
Error using sort
Input argument must be a cell array of character vectors.

Error in get_synched_frames (line 24)
files = sort(files);

I am not really familiar with matlab, so can you give me some hints or advice about that?
By the way, I am using the matlab 2018, can it be a problem of the matlab version ? Which version did you use and Did you meet these errors too?

Sorry, I finally solved this problem.
It seems to be a problem between the different output type of function ls().
In Unix , the output is a raw vector.
In Windows, the output is a matrix.
By turning the matrix into raw vector, the problem is solved.