
Connect the web based LoRaWAN demo to an NS other than TTN?

woobagooba opened this issue · 2 comments

It is not clear how the "gateway" is configured to point to one NS versus another.


You can configure this when running locally, by setting the LORA_HOST environmental variable, e.g.:

LORA_HOST= LORA_PORT=1700 mbed-simulator .

Unfortunately I cannot really do this in the hosted version as 1) the gateway needs to be added to the network, and white listed by the operator, 2) the protocol forwarder needs to send keep-alive messages and has some state. For TTN I can do this, because the gateway can live in my personal account but not for other operators.

Does this help?

Any plans to docker-ize mbed simulator? Would be helpful to remove the cross-platform install / build friction, providing a truly Quick Start. Thank you for your consideration.