
R2021b+ / log4j 2.x compatibility

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Get SLF4M working with Matlab R2021b and newer releases that are shipping log4j 2.x instead of 1.x.

Blocks #7. This ticket is essentially the same issue, but is where I'm going to be tracking my work and leaving a bunch of detailed comments, and I don't want to spam our users with a bunch of comment notifications.

My current approach is to build customized, package-name-munged forks of the SLF4J and Log4j 1.2.x libraries, vendor them with SLF4M, and conditionally pull them in at run time based on the version of Matlab being used. These munged libraries are a large enough project that I'm creating them in a new separate "slf4m-jankalog" repo. The resulting JARs will be copied in to the main SLF4M repo. That'll keep things tidy.

