
.railsrc conflict

Closed this issue · 2 comments

d13r commented

My ~/.railsrc file contains this:

--skip-bundle --database mysql --template ~/lib/rails-template.rb

Which the rails command uses as the default options when creating a new app (source).

But I just installed irbtools and it seems to be trying to load that same file as Ruby source code, which causes IRB to crash:

$ rails c
Loading development environment (Rails 3.2.6)
/home/dave/.railsrc:1: unknown regexp options - ral (SyntaxError)
from /.../gems/irbtools-1.2.2/lib/irbtools.rb:80:in `<top (required)>'

Is there some way I can prevent this and still use irbtools?

Hi davejamesmiller,

irbtools treats the ,railsrc file just like an .irbrc to load in rails environments. You can deactivate this behaviour by setting Irbtools.railsrc = false.

However, since this kind of functionality is Rails-specific, it shouldn't be part of base irbtools. I will remove it with the next version.

d13r commented

Thanks, that worked. :)