
custom settings for binding.repl

Opened this issue · 6 comments

could it be a good idea if the default order for binding.repl.auto gave preference to "irb" ? binding.repl defines the default order with pry at the front and since i think irbtools focuses on irb users it might be a good idea to give irb priority.

if you wanted to change the default order you'd say something like:

Binding.repl.auto_order = ["irb", "rib", "pry", "ripl"]

binding.repl has shortcut for auto-discovery as binding.repl! but it's only on master right now. on the released gem it's still binding.repl.auto.

BindingRepl.auto_order = ["irb", …] also works.

released v1.0.0 with binding.repl! to rubygems.org

binding.repl also (once again) has 0 runtime dependencies. adding toml as a runtime dependency was a mistake after thinking about it. fixed in >=v1.0.0.

Thank you for the updates. Will tweak the order in the next release. Haven't had the issue yet, because I never had pry and irbtools in the same bundle ;)

yeah, the default order is defined as: ["pry", "ripl", "rib", "irb"]. binding.repl! for an IRB user will try to require pry, then ripl, then rib, and finally match on irb, so it's not as efficient as it could be.

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