
Catch book & Trophy lodge - records

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Recent changes to trophy score of Goldeneye and Fallow Deer pretty much messed up recorded logs with them.

  • For example Fallow Deer log saved with 172+ trophy score was shown with GOLD trophy rating before update 1.6.6. In the version 1.6.6 I updated the trophy score ranges to correctly reflect the changes in the game. The log is now shown with SILVER trophy rating.

So I had to do some changes to the Catch book & Trophy lodge feature. Until the version 1.6.6 you could not set the trophy rating manually and everything was done by the app automatically through the trophy score and harvest check. After the adjustment, the trophy rating can be set manually now.

  • For example Fallow Deer log with 172.02 trophy score can now be saved with BRONZE or even DIAMOND trophy rating. Although the trophy score is definitely SILVER.

All this has been done to make some room for my mistakes and overlooks, and the log being correct. I would like to appeal to everyone to check their logs, especially the ones with Fallow Deer and/or Goldeneye. I hope this is not a big inconvenience and overall makes the app a bit more pleasing.