
Ex0001 RangeError (length): Invalid value: Valid value range is empty: [number]

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The problem looks like in the screenshot below. It seems to be connected to the logbook feature. Happens only to some users.

I cannot replicate it. For me everything works fine on my 2 phones and 2 emulators!

If anybody is having this exact problem, please let me know here. It is under investigation as I need more information about it. Putting here a screenshot and a description of the state of your app would help a lot.


Another example:


Another example:

Screenshot_2024-01-10-12-51-20-452_com toastyapps cotwcompanion

Should be fixed in 1.9.5. The method HelperJSON.getAnimal was moved to another section of the app. And the method HelperLog.getTrophyRating that was causing this problem at the start of the app was removed.