
Incompatible with webpack's ProfilingPlugin

nikolaik opened this issue · 8 comments

Current behaviour 💣

The webpack build crashes when used with the ProfilingPlugin

webpack plugin config:

plugins: [
  new HtmlWebpackPlugin(),
  new webpack.debug.ProfilingPlugin()

Ref: webpack/webpack#12102 (comment)

Expected behaviour ☀️

Don't crash

Reproduction Example 👾

Here is a link to a code sandbox https://codesandbox.io/s/html-webpack-plugin-with-profiler-0xibi?file=/webpack.config.js

I have no idea why HtmlWebpackPlugin works in so many configurations but not with ProfilingPlugin..

Is ProfilingPlugin messing around with Webpack internals?

I would be very happy for a PR

I solved this problem by putting ProfilingPlugin in the first position of the plugins array.
webpack: 5.61.0

I solved this problem by putting ProfilingPlugin in the first position of the plugins array. version: html-webpack-plugin:5.50 webpack: 5.61.0

Did not work for me with the same versions. Any other ideas?

Hello there,
I get a same problem, any ideas/solutions for solving?

dkrnl commented

same issues, no idea

Bumping to a later Webpack version which I assume contains this PR seems to have resolved my issue, although I didn't test it on the minimal example in this PR.

I confirm that this bug is fixed with Webpack 5.70.0.

I confirm that this bug is fixed with Webpack 5.70.0.

Nice, thanks for checking!