
List strict-csp-html-webpack-plugin in the README?

maudnals opened this issue · 3 comments

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Setting a Content-Security-Policy (CSP) that efficiently protects users from XSS is hard.
The strict-csp-html-webpack-plugin, that relies on html-webpack-plugin, plugin helps developers do that.

Describe the solution you'd like
As discussed with @jantimon, we may want to list this plugin in the helpful list of plugins in html-webpack-plugin's README.

Additional context
This plugin can be considered experimental.
It will soon be added to Squoosh, a widely-used web app, which will help us test it.

  • Should we wait and see how the plugin behaves in Squoosh in production, before listing it here in the README?
  • Or should we list it and mark it as experimental?

(I'm happy to open the PR)

just add it - people will let you know if something is broken :)

Sounds good; "experimental" is mentioned in the plugin docs.
Added, see PR.