
filename [contenthash] only . not adding to index.html

meghe2000 opened this issue · 4 comments

hi , It works well when I use ( filename: '.[contenthash].js' )

But when I write like this, it is not added to the index.html ( filename: '.[contenthash]' )
I want to use without the (.js)


right now only .js files are injected automatically

right now only .js files are injected automatically

Do you have a solution for this personalization?

@meghe2000 Did you find a solution? I also need this for atomic deployments to CloudFront. The hashed index html filename can be used as DefaultRootObject once every assets in a website has been s3 sync-ed.

The problem is here filename: '[name].[contenthash]', after generation files don't have .js, so html-webpack-plugin can't undestand is it JS or another file and so doesn't inject script tags