
Hash: false Still hashing JavaScript file names.

Johnathan-Aretos opened this issue · 1 comments

Current behaviour 💣

Currently, I have my Config for my HTMLwebpackplugin

hash: false

In my index.html. It is still hashing my JavaScript files. For example, the templateHTML index.html looks like

<script src=config.js >

but when htmlwebpackplugin processes it, it becomes.

<script src=/2aec43dvxxxxxxx.js >

Expected behaviour ☀️


hash: false

the index.html should be

<script src=config.js >

Reproduction Example 👾

To reproduce, in the plugins section of webpack


new HTMLWebPackPlugin({ 
  hash: false

Environment 🖥

Using WebPack 5

html-webpack-plugin = 5.5.0


This options for hash busting in dev enviroment, i.e. use ./main.js?hash=compilation_hash, not for files, added example #1808