
Support for naze32 flight controller

tekjar opened this issue · 7 comments

Hi @japaric. I'm pretty new to rust on microcontrollers. A lot of flight controllers seem to be using STM processors. Does this repo target flight controllers like naze32 too (STM32F103CB) ?


Rust for writing flight controller code sounds very exciting to me :)

Does this repo target flight controllers like naze32 too (STM32F103CB) ?

Well, not exactly. This crate targets this particular board: The STM32F3DISCOVERY, which has an STM32F303VCT6 microcontroller in it.

But that board, the discovery, does have a gyroscope, a magnetometer and an accelerometer (it's just "9-DOF" as it's missing the baremeter to measure the altitude) and I intend to try my hand at sensor fusion algorithms to convert those raw measurements into the 3D position of the board (something like this).

All that (sensor drivers, filters, sensor fusion algorithms) shouldn't be too hard to port to other boards but that's only part of what goes into a flight controller. I don't know what else is needed as I haven't write one before. (Although, I do understand the flying mechanism of a quadcopter and have taken control theory courses. Also, I don't own a quadcopter or other aerial unmanned vehicle.)

Rust for writing flight controller code sounds very exciting to me :)


@kteza1 I wrote my thoughts on the matter (a flight controller in Rust) here.

@japaric Wow. That's really awesome. It's a big project but there is a first step for everything. I haven't worked on microcontrollers much but I'll check your copper book and try to copy a lot of your f3 crate to create a crate for naze32 (as this seems to be the most famous one).

create a crate for naze32

Sounds like a great start! Let me know if you need help with anything. I'm on Mozilla's IRC as japaric. There's a #rust-embedded channel there that's for this kind of topic.

The copper book needs a small update so if you read it before I get a chance to update it: rustc now has built-in targets for ARM Cortex-M processors, like thumbv7m-none-eabi; you should use those instead of custom targets defined in .json files. Additionally, you'll need to pass some extra flags to the linker; that used to be done with pre-linker-args in the .json file but with the built-in targets you have to pass those flags via a .cargo/config file instead. The docs of the f3 crate talk about these two things: the built-in targets and the .cargo/config file.

Ah, you probably also want to look into code generators for the "register maps". See svd2rust and svd-mmap.

Oh, and if you are just getting started with microcontrollers, this may be of help. It's the workshop material I presented at Rust Belt Rust.

And I'm going to close this issue since this is not actionable in this repo.

Sure. Thanks :)