I create this repository to have a express.js template with good practices and reuse in projects.
- Typescript
- Dodumentation with jsdoc (available in jsdoc/docs/index.html)
- Commits convections
- Eslint
- Repository pattern
- DTO pattern
- Validation middlwares
- Error handler
- Mogoose config
- Dotenv config
- Testing with jest
- Pretty logs with winston
- Pretty routes pattern
git clone https://github.com/IngDeiver/node-ts-template.git
npm install
npm run tsc
npm run dev
npm start
npm run test
npm run jsdoc
npm run lint
npm run lint:fix
👤 Deiver Carrascal
- Website: https://ingdeiver.github.io/portafolio/
- Github: @IngDeiver
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!. Can make pull request to contribute!.
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