
A test app for testing Branch.io set up

Primary LanguageObjective-C

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create new repo with react-native init <name>
  2. Downgrade react native and react to the version we are using by modifying package.json, then npm i to re-install node_modules.
  3. Also, modify Podfile to include lower version of react-native pods instead of some of the new ones. Then, rm -rf Pods && pod install to refresh.
  4. Verify everything is working so far. At this point, react-native run-ios should boot the simulator and open the basic react-native app, running on react-native v0.60.3. react-native run-android runs the app on my connected Samsung Galaxy S7 also.
  5. Install branch, following the steps on https://github.com/BranchMetrics/react-native-branch-deep-linking-attribution#installation The exact details for step 5:
  • Run npm install --save react-native-branch
  • Run cd ios && pod install && cd ..
  • Modify AppDelegate.m in Xcode (see this commit for exact changes)
  • Modify Info.plist (Note: I set up a very basic branch test app for this, so I had the key and domain etc. In the link settings of this app in the branch dashboard, I selected 'I have an iOS app' and 'I have an Android app' and set the URI scheme for each to 'branchtest://')
  • Modify MainApplication.java and MainActivity.java
  • Modify AndroidManifest.xml according to https://dashboard.branch.io/start/existing-users/android and the repository README.md
  • Modify android/app/proguard-rules.pro with -dontwarn io.branch.**
  1. Verify that everything is working. At this point, react-native run-android and react-native run-ios still work, and branch should be installed.
  2. Add branch code. In our main project, we have a function that takes an object and generates a BUO for it, and returns the short URL for this BUO.