No responder found when mocking with Cobra.Execute()
piyushsingariya opened this issue · 2 comments
piyushsingariya commented
Hi, I am trying to mock requests that are being made by some cobra commands in our CLI.
But I end up encountering this error
Get \"http://localhost:9081/api/user/performance/profiles?page_size=25&search=test\": no responder found
Here is the implementation:-
func TestPerfView(t *testing.T) {
// setup current context
// initialize mock server for handling requests
// create a test helper
testContext := utils.NewTestHelper(t)
// get current directory
_, filename, _, ok := runtime.Caller(0)
if !ok {
t.Fatal("problems recovering caller information")
currDir := filepath.Dir(filename)
fixturesDir := filepath.Join(currDir, "fixtures")
// test scenrios for fetching data
tests := []struct {
Name string
Args []string
View string
ExpectedResponse string
Fixture string
URL string
Token string
ExpectError bool
Name: "View Profiles",
Args: []string{"view", "test", "--token", filepath.Join(fixturesDir, "token.golden")},
View: "Profiles",
ExpectedResponse: "view.profile.output.golden",
Fixture: "view.profile.api.response.golden",
URL: testContext.BaseURL + "/api/user/performance/profiles?search=test",
Token: filepath.Join(fixturesDir, "token.golden"),
ExpectError: false,
// Run tests
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
// View api response from golden files
apiResponse := utils.NewGoldenFile(t, tt.Fixture, fixturesDir).Load()
// set token
tokenPath = tt.Token
// mock response
httpmock.RegisterResponder("GET", tt.URL,
httpmock.NewStringResponder(200, apiResponse))
// Expected response
testdataDir := filepath.Join(currDir, "testdata")
golden := utils.NewGoldenFile(t, tt.ExpectedResponse, testdataDir)
// Grab outputs from console.
var buf bytes.Buffer
err := PerfCmd.Execute()
if err != nil {
// if we're supposed to get an error
if tt.ExpectError {
// write it in file
if *update {
expectedResponse := golden.Load()
utils.Equals(t, expectedResponse, err)
} else {
// response being printed in console
actualResponse := buf.String()
// write it in file
if *update {
expectedResponse := golden.Load()
utils.Equals(t, expectedResponse, actualResponse)
// stop mock server
maxatome commented
If I understand well, you register a responder for /api/user/performance/profiles?search=test
so not for /api/user/performance/profiles?page_size=25&search=test
as expected. So it is normal no responder is found.
Try to register /api/user/performance/profiles
instead, without any query param.
piyushsingariya commented
thanks, @maxatome for the assistance. I figured it out a bit later how exactly this thing works!