
AUR package fails to install with yay on artix

mantacid opened this issue · 1 comments

I ran yay glava, selected the only option available, and attempted to install glava on artix linux (runit). the installation process goes smoothly right up until yay runs "starting prepare()", at which point i get the following:

==>Starting prepare()...
Submodule 'glad' (https://github.com/Dav1dde/glad) registered for path 'glad'
Cloning into '/home/mantacid/.cache/yay/glava-git/src/glava/glad'...
fatal: transport 'file' not allowed
fatal: clone of '/home/mantacid/.cache/yay/glava-git/src/glad' into submodule path '/home/mantacid/.cache/yay/glava-git/src/glava/glad' failed
Failed to clone 'glad'. Retry scheduled
Cloning into '/home/mantacid/.cache/yay/glava-git/src/glava/glad'...
fatal: transport 'file' not allowed
fatal: clone of '/home/mantacid/.cache/yay/glava-git/src/glad' into submodule path '/home/mantacid/.cache/yay/glava-git/src/glava/glad' failed
Failed to clone 'glad' a second time, aborting
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in prepare().
 -> error making: glava-git-exit status 4
 -> Failed to install the following packages. Manual intervention is required:
glava-git - exit status 4

Not sure what that's about.

best thing to do is to try to use the following repository instead of that one : https://gitlab.com/wild-turtles-publicly-release/glava/glava

If a issue occur feel free to open a issue on gitlab.