
Simple to use FTP component for iPhone and Mac OS X

Primary LanguageObjective-C


Formerly S7FTPRequest

SCRFTPRequest was created by Aleksej Nesterow. All code and most of this readme was written by him.

This project was inspired by a marvelous lib that I'm using in all my apps that involve network interactions (I can hardly remember one without any) ASIHTTPRequest.

This is the product of composing together ASIHTTPRequest design solutions and SimpleFTPSample techniques.


  • Item Upload and Create directory operations. More to come soon.
  • Item Based on CFNetwork, but provides friendly Objective C API with delegates to handle progress and status of the request.
  • Item Inherits from NSOperation.
  • Item Supports authentication.

#Using the Component

Since SCRFTPRequest is a NSOperation, you can easily add it to NSOperationQueue for asynchronous invokation. However, it is possible to use SCRFTPRequest as a plain NSObject. Here are some basic instructions. (I'm going to add more details in time.)



SCRFTPRequest *ftpRequest = [[SCRFTPRequest alloc] initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""] 
toUploadFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"Info" ofType:@"plist"]];

ftpRequest.username = @"testuser"; 
ftpRequest.password = @"testuser"; 

ftpRequest.delegate = self; 
ftpRequest.didFinishSelector = @selector(uploadFinished:); 
ftpRequest.didFailSelector = @selector(uploadFailed:); 
ftpRequest.willStartSelector = @selector(uploadWillStart:); 
ftpRequest.didChangeStatusSelector = @selector(requestStatusChanged:); 
ftpRequest.bytesWrittenSelector = @selector(uploadBytesWritten:); 

[ftpRequest startRequest];

Implement the callbacks (they are performed on the main thread, so you can invoke your UI components safely):

- (void)uploadFinished:(SCRFTPRequest *)request { 

	NSLog(@"Upload finished."); 
	[request release]; 

- (void)uploadFailed:(SCRFTPRequest *)request {

	NSLog(@"Upload failed: %@", [request.error localizedDescription]); 
	[request release]; 

- (void)uploadWillStart:(SCRFTPRequest *)request { 

	NSLog(@"Will transfer %d bytes.", request.fileSize); 

- (void)uploadBytesWritten:(SCRFTPRequest *)request { 

	NSLog(@"Transferred: %d", request.bytesWritten); 

- (void)requestStatusChanged:(SCRFTPRequest *)request {

	switch (request.status) { 
	case SCRFTPRequestStatusOpenNetworkConnection: 
		NSLog(@"Opened connection."); 
	case SCRFTPRequestStatusReadingFromStream: 
		NSLog(@"Reading from stream..."); 
	case SCRFTPRequestStatusWritingToStream: 
		NSLog(@"Writing to stream..."); 
	case SCRFTPRequestStatusClosedNetworkConnection: 
		NSLog(@"Closed connection."); 
	case SCRFTPRequestStatusError: 
		NSLog(@"Error occurred."); 

Cancel the operation this way

[ftpRequest cancelRequest];

###Create directory To create a directory you will need practically the same infrastructure except for the initialization code may look like this:

SCRFTPRequest *ftpRequest = [[SCRFTPRequest alloc] initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""] 
ftpRequest.username = @"testuser";
ftpRequest.password = @"testuser";
ftpRequest.delegate = self;
ftpRequest.didFinishSelector = @selector(createFinished:);
ftpRequest.didFailSelector = @selector(createFailed:);
ftpRequest.willStartSelector = @selector(createWillStart:);
ftpRequest.didChangeStatusSelector = @selector(requestStatusChanged:);
[ftpRequest startRequest];