
Modal window uses icon font as font family

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Currently the modal window classes are all easc-. So are our icons. This part of our stylesheet is forcing the 'easc' font for all classes starting with easc-.


  • Modal window does not match the theme's general style guide
  • It's difficult to correct the styles due to our use of !important

We either need to change the icon classes to easc-icon-, or change modal window classes to ea-share-count-modal-. Neither is backwards compatible. Personally I think changing the icon class names will be best, as those who modify the icons will either

  • Replace the current icons with their own, in which case this doesn't matter
  • Be targeting the generic <i> element, rather than using the class name (ex: easc-print).

I'd like to hear feedback on this change before making it.

Another option would be to specifically target the icon classes, rather than selecting all classes that start with 'easc-'. That would mean we don't have to change any class names, would not cause any BC issues.