
buttons on front page

Closed this issue · 11 comments

You said we should 'use ea_share()->front->display() in your theme to display the buttons' but how do i put them into my sidebar. Is there a shortcode? I just want the buttons on my front page. I use Genesis News Pro theme.


The EA Share Count plugin has been forked to a new plugin, Shared Counts. That plugin does have a shortcode: [shared_counts]

By "forked" I mean we've renamed the plugin "Shared Counts" and are continuing development over there. This plugin (EA Share Count) is no longer being developed, so I recommend you use Shared Counts instead.

You can download the plugin here: https://github.com/jaredatch/Shared-Counts/archive/develop.zip

Also worth adding that it will be available on WP.org in the near future.

Sorry about that. As you can see, it's still under development.

Those specific bugs have just been fixed.

It would be great if you could redownload and test. It should be working fine now. Or you can wait for the public release, which should be in a few weeks. It's really up to you.

If you want to keep using EA Share Count, you can add this to your theme's functions.php file to create a shortcode called [ea_share_count]: https://gist.github.com/billerickson/97a34da5e5f2c69b6d4b8805de05f4ed

Since this is a new plugin, the settings from EA Share Count do not carry over to Shared Counts. You'll need to manually re-enter them.