
Refresh Token missing

benrolfe opened this issue · 8 comments

When I request my "access token", by passing my "auth token", I was expecting to also receive a "refresh token", however it's missing.

Can someone explain why it's missing, and how I get hold of a refresh token?

This is what's returned...


I would like some information on this as well, the documentation states that refresh token support is bundled yet shows no examples. Thanks in advance!

Are you able to help @jaredhanson?

@benrolfe I got mine working, you simply have to generate a refresh token during the exchange and pass the optional refreshToken parameter to the exchange callback. Below is an example of the callback. Hope that helps!

server.exchange(oauth2orize.exchange.code((client, code, redirectUri, done) => {
    // Check the auth code
    // Destory auth code
    // Create access token
    // create refresh token
        return done(null, token, refreshToken, { expires: 3600});


@jesseg34 Thanks for the tip, that's exactly what I needed.

On a related note, when you exchange a refresh token for a new access token, should I expect to receive a new refresh token?

This is what I get back after the exchange:

access_token: "eyJhbGmtOIEJkIdMtX3L5tsEA.............dTLpGy4n8hefXae5cYoiFvIXg"
expires_in: 3153600000
token_type: "Bearer"

This is more of an implementation decision however the short answer is no. Refresh tokens are meant to be long-lived and normally do not expire.

Some more reference:

Does this logic work with the 'basic' strategy? Or is there a need to define your own custom strategy?

Be aware that for security reasons, some flows do not allow refresh tokens such as implicit grant type flow: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-9

@benrolfe I got mine working, you simply have to generate a refresh token during the exchange and pass the optional refreshToken parameter to the exchange callback. Below is an example of the callback. Hope that helps!

server.exchange(oauth2orize.exchange.code((client, code, redirectUri, done) => {
    // Check the auth code
    // Destory auth code
    // Create access token
    // create refresh token
        return done(null, token, refreshToken, { expires: 3600});


It worked