Add auth info in basic callback
rgjamkhedkar opened this issue · 6 comments
rgjamkhedkar commented
At the moment you are not taking info in basic auth callback. So extra information about authenticated client cannot be passed to req.authInfo object.
I changed code as follows.
this._verify(userid, password, function(err, user, info) {
if (err) { return self.error(err); }
if (!user) { return; }
self.success(user, info);
I am sure others would also benefit if you change code as above.
mcgrews3 commented
Also noticed the same issue. Just need to include info as an argument to verified (basic.js line 88) and the self.success call (basic.js line 91)
JasonCust commented
datuary-jmartinez commented
+1. I think it's a very interesting change because allow send customized data back to client. It is also very simple one. Thank you
markwainwright commented
tgyhlsb commented