
Settings.apk not working.

DaMalo opened this issue · 2 comments

I have an issue with the Settings.apk in the third-party directory. I installed it using the provided install.sh script. When I run the Settings.apk on glass using adb I get to the following screen:


But from there no input is accepted, swiping does nothing and tapping the touchpad closes the settings.


  1. Install third party tools via the provided install.sh script
  2. Run the Settings.apk using following command:
    adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings
  3. The screen depicted in the image above appears but the menu can't be navigated using glass

Maybe you can help me sorting this out. Please tell me if you need further information to reproduce this issue.

Best regards,

@DaMalo, thanks for the update. Possibly with the latest XE software this was disabled or prevented from changing the settings of the OS. Have you tried anything else?

Also, if you have it successfully installed and can intent to the app. Maybe there is another way to toggle those services?

See here: https://github.com/jaredsburrows/OpenQuartz#basic-adb-usagefor-terminal-or-cmd-prompt

Keep Your Google Glass On while charging/developing:

  adb shell svc power stayon true | false | usb | ac

Turn off Wifi and only use Bluetooth

  adb shell svc wifi enable | disable

@DaMalo Any update on your end?