
Cannot use namespace 'ResponseLike' as a type.

Closed this issue · 18 comments

Describe the bug
When I'm running the project facing the error " Cannot find namespace 'CacheableRequest' "

node_modules/got/dist/source/core/options.d.ts:870:27 - error TS2503: Cannot find namespace 'CacheableRequest'.

870 get cache(): string | CacheableRequest.StorageAdapter | boolean | undefined;

node_modules/got/dist/source/core/options.d.ts:871:31 - error TS2503: Cannot find namespace 'CacheableRequest'.

871 set cache(value: string | CacheableRequest.StorageAdapter | boolean | undefined);

node_modules/got/dist/source/core/options.d.ts:1163:35 - error TS2503: Cannot find namespace 'CacheableRequest'.

1163 cache: string | boolean | CacheableRequest.StorageAdapter | undefined;

Even I am having the same issue during my build, please fix this

Temporary workaround is to delete node_modules/@types/cacheable-request folder if you're not actually using this package. But of course, re-installs with npm i

Hello - we are looking into this. Can you all tell us what version of got you are using?

@jaredwray 12.4.1 latest version


got: version 12.4.1

Looks like its being included through package-json 8.1.0

It looks like @types/cacheable-request@^6.0.2 is the problem and we have not been maintaining this but will start looking for a fix on this. Again, sorry for the issues here and we are looking at this.

@Rehan-05 can you confirm it is this package?

Unsure if helpful, but I use typescript 4.8.2 and my tsconfig file is:

{ "compilerOptions": { "module": "es2022", "moduleResolution": "Node", "target": "ES2021", "sourceMap": true, "rootDir": "ts-src", "outDir": "build", "removeComments": true, "declaration": true, "esModuleInterop": true }, "include": ["ts-src/**/*.ts","ts-src/**/*.cts", "ts-src/**/*.mts"], "exclude": [ "node_modules" ] }

+1 Also facing this issue.
"version": "4.1.2",

tsconfig.json below:
{ "compilerOptions": { "target": "es6", "module": "commonjs", "allowJs": true, "esModuleInterop": true, "lib": ["dom", "es5", "es6", "es2017", "esnext.asynciterable", "es2018.promise"], "sourceMap": false, "outDir": "./dist", "moduleResolution": "node", "removeComments": true, "noImplicitAny": false, "strictNullChecks": false, "strictFunctionTypes": true, "noImplicitThis": true, "noUnusedLocals": false, "noUnusedParameters": false, "noImplicitReturns": false, "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true, "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, "emitDecoratorMetadata": true, "experimentalDecorators": true, "resolveJsonModule": true, "baseUrl": "src", "paths": { "@/*": ["./*"], "@helpers/*": ["helpers/*"], "@services/*": ["services/*"] } }, "exclude": ["node_modules", "dist", "mobile"], "include": ["src/**/*.ts", "test/**/*.ts"] }

Changing ResponseLike to typeof ResponseLike and ensuring noImplicitAny and allowSyntheticDefaultImports turned on in the ts.config has cleared the issue for me.

See: microsoft/TypeScript#27311

@slwhitman - is this based on v9 of cacheable-response? Would be good which one you were able to fix this on as there is a breaking change that is in the main repo right now that are coming out. https://github.com/jaredwray/cacheable-request#breaking-changes-with-v930

I am new to typescript and I don't include any dependency in my package.json but still, I am getting errors while running the yarn tsc command here below my package.json and
"version": "${VERSION}",
"bin": "bin/index.js",
"devDependencies": {
"@types/node": "^18.7.16",
"pkg": "^5.8.0",
"typescript": "^4.8.2"


../../../node_modules/@types/cacheable-request/index.d.ts:26:42 - error TS2709: Cannot use namespace 'ResponseLike' as a type.

26 cb?: (response: ServerResponse | ResponseLike) => void

../../../node_modules/@types/cacheable-request/index.d.ts:77:51 - error TS2709: Cannot use namespace 'ResponseLike' as a type.

77 listener: (response: ServerResponse | ResponseLike) => void

../../../node_modules/@types/cacheable-request/index.d.ts:81:69 - error TS2709: Cannot use namespace 'ResponseLike' as a type.

81 on(event: 'response', listener: (response: ServerResponse | ResponseLike) => void): this;

../../../node_modules/@types/cacheable-request/index.d.ts:84:71 - error TS2709: Cannot use namespace 'ResponseLike' as a type.

84 once(event: 'response', listener: (response: ServerResponse | ResponseLike) => void): this;

../../../node_modules/@types/cacheable-request/index.d.ts:89:51 - error TS2709: Cannot use namespace 'ResponseLike' as a type.

89 listener: (response: ServerResponse | ResponseLike) => void

../../../node_modules/@types/cacheable-request/index.d.ts:95:51 - error TS2709: Cannot use namespace 'ResponseLike' as a type.

95 listener: (response: ServerResponse | ResponseLike) => void

../../../node_modules/@types/cacheable-request/index.d.ts:104:51 - error TS2709: Cannot use namespace 'ResponseLike' as a type.

104 listener: (response: ServerResponse | ResponseLike) => void

../../../node_modules/@types/cacheable-request/index.d.ts:108:70 - error TS2709: Cannot use namespace 'ResponseLike' as a type.

108 off(event: 'response', listener: (response: ServerResponse | ResponseLike) => void): this;

../../../node_modules/@types/cacheable-request/index.d.ts:112:73 - error TS2709: Cannot use namespace 'ResponseLike' as a type.

112 listeners(event: 'response'): Array<(response: ServerResponse | ResponseLike) => void>;

../../../node_modules/@types/cacheable-request/index.d.ts:115:76 - error TS2709: Cannot use namespace 'ResponseLike' as a type.

115 rawListeners(event: 'response'): Array<(response: ServerResponse | ResponseLike) => void>;

../../../node_modules/@types/cacheable-request/index.d.ts:118:60 - error TS2709: Cannot use namespace 'ResponseLike' as a type.

118 emit(event: 'response', response: ServerResponse | ResponseLike): boolean;

Found 11 errors in the same file, starting at: ../../../node_modules/@types/cacheable-request/index.d.ts:26

@bala-auvaria you're probably pulling it in through "pkg" package.

run 'npm ls @types/cacheable-request'

@slwhitman - is this based on v9 of cacheable-response? Would be good which one you were able to fix this on as there is a breaking change that is in the main repo right now that are coming out. https://github.com/jaredwray/cacheable-request#breaking-changes-with-v930

I have v6.0.2 in my dependency but the PR was forked off your current code.

@jaredwray Please see sindresorhus/got#2129 (comment) for detailed analysis of the issue. There is no fault of your own here, the entirety of the issue belongs to got.

You were put in a bad situation and forced to bear some of result of got new release. Your choices are simple:

  • Do nothing (there is no fault in cacheable-request
  • Have cacheable-request depend on responselike@3.0.0 (which should be simple and non-breaking you already depend on Node>=14)

@proton-ab thanks for the note and we are going to be looking at how to help on this more.

Hello All - they (got team) are waiting on an updated release based on this thread (sindresorhus/got#2129 (comment)). We have now published v10.0.0 which contains some major updates and a breaking change in how it is being used.

Here are the release notes: https://github.com/jaredwray/cacheable-request/releases/tag/v10.0.0

Also, here is an understanding of the new format to use:

import CacheableRequest from 'cacheable-request';

// Now You can do
const cacheableRequest = new CacheableRequest(http.request).createCacheableRequest();
const cacheReq = cacheableRequest('http://example.com', cb);
cacheReq.on('request', req => req.end());
// Future requests to 'example.com' will be returned from cache if still valid

// You pass in any other http.request API compatible method to be wrapped with cache support:
const cacheableRequest = new CacheableRequest(https.request).createCacheableRequest();
const cacheableRequest = new CacheableRequest(electron.net).createCacheableRequest();

In addition any issues we are happy to work on with @sindresorhus or @szmarczak in anyway to get this fixed.

Going to close this issue/thread down and focus on the main one in got: sindresorhus/got#2129 (comment)