
get-stream@7.0.0 requires Node.js >= 16

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hey, @jaredwray.

The get-stream update to v7.0.0 is a breaking change as it requires Node.js>= 16: https://github.com/sindresorhus/get-stream/releases/tag/v7.0.0

Could you downgrade it and cut a new patch release?


s100 commented

Yes, we have found that the upgrade from cacheable-request@10.2.10 to cacheable-request@10.2.11 drops support for Node.js 14, which is a breaking change, which has indeed broken us, as we still use Node.js 14. Normally, under the constraints of Semantic Versioning, a breaking change like this would warrant a major version bump, to cacheable-request@11. Please could you revert this upgrade?

Alternatively, if this package doesn't follow SemVer then... I guess that would be worth documenting in your README? It's something downstream consumers would need to know about before using this package.

This has been resolved with a new update cacheable-request@10.2.12

s100 commented

Super fast response! Thank you very much!

Can you also please push the git tag just for completeness?