
How to find Apps ID

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How to find out other apps Id like youtube, disney, prime video etc. I have app ID for other apps but those are for android smart tv not LG like
For prime video app Id is: https://app.primevideo.com
And for spotify: spotify://

Does these android apps Id also works for LG ?

At here
client?.send(.launchApp(appId: "netflix"))

@jareksedy any suggestion ??

Sure, that's easy, first you send the command to get the list of all installed apps

requestId = client?.send(.listApps)

where client is your WebOSClient instance, and requestId some string variable.

then you handle the response in the didReceive delegate method like that:

    func didReceive(_ result: Result<WebOSResponse, Error>) {
        if case .success(let response) = result, response.id == requestId {
             let applications: [WebOSResponseApplication] = response.payload?.applications ?? []