
Spotlightlight search results icon

Closed this issue · 7 comments

AshUK commented


The icon does not display correctly in spotlight results

This is due to electron-icon-maker not adding the correct sizes into the icns file. It should contain only 16x16, 32x32, 128x128, 256x256, 512x512 and 1024x1024 pixel images.

You could use https://iconverticons.com/ in the mean time, or icnsutils

Will this issue be fixed sooner or later ? I recently used the electron-icon-maker and noticed the same issue as described above. It would be good if the author takes sometime to fix this.

Thanks in advance.

Related issue: electron/packager#929

Too bad! I have the same problem. I liked electron-icon-maker...

H-s-O commented

Same problem in column view.

Capture d’écran 2019-11-05 à 11 47 26

same problem

I tried to change this package's source to only include the sizes mentioned by @Kilian but it still came out corrupted. Not sure why.

For anyone struggling with this, here's how I managed to generate my icons properly. I used the iconutil tool which should be preinstalled on your mac.

  1. Make a directory with the .iconset extension and put your pngs in it. They should be named like so: icon_16x16.png
  2. run iconutil -c icns yourdirectory.iconset
  3. It should create yourdirectory.icns

If you're not on mac, I think I saw iconutil on NPM. Not sure if it's the same tool exactly but worth a try.

This should be fixed in the latest patch v0.0.5. Let me know if you still have issues with it. Sorry it took so long.