
Delete Browser Cache how to?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I am new here. I hope my english is good enough to explain my issue.
I have running 12 raspberry pi using chilipi Kiosk.
Now I must delete the Browser Cache from each rpi after a system update.
Can you help me how I have to do this?
Must I stop the browser first?
Can I delete the cache in the command line?

Because when I leave the full screen mode, there is no option menue like in the normal desktop Browsers on a workstation.

I hope you can help me.

Many thanks.

Greetings from Germany,

@davem50 This should help you:

sudo rm -r ~/.cache/chromium
sudo rm -r ~/.config/chromium/Default

Just be aware that the second line sudo rm -r ~/.config/chromium/Default will remove any loaded extensions (i.e. virtual keyboards), local storage data and settings saved.

Hope this got sorted, and thanks @markovchainz for providing assistance!