
Passing lambdas with arguments and return type doesnt work

Opened this issue · 2 comments

currently we only support passing lambdas with no arguments and no return value

@jarkonik can you give some example of syntax that you want to use for this case ?

lmbconsuminfunction = (lmb: fun<number, number, void>): void => {} means that lmbconsuminfunction takes an argument of a type function that takes two parameters of type number and returns type void

lmbconsuminfunction2 = (lmb: fun<number, number>): void => {} means that lmbconsuminfunction2 takes an argument of a type function that takes one parameter of type number and returns type number

Take a look PR #54 , I've implemented something similar there for attaching externally linked functions. (use can do something like smth = extern<number, void>("smth"))