
No tests

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Some recent changes in #8 caused compilation to fail. There are no tests or CI that
should have caught this.

Chord tests can start a temporary http-kit server and talking to it over a Java WebSocket client (e.g. Jetty has one). Not sure how CLJS can be tested in the same suite but CLJS compilation can be part of the CI nonetheless.

Hi Michael,

I tend to test Chord using the example project in the repo, however I made the mistake that time in thinking that the change was 'too small to worry about' (partly given it wasn't a stable release - a lame excuse, I know) - a mistake I shan't be making again.

Having said that, I do try to keep things as lightweight as possible, and I haven't yet personally seen the value of having large CI suites on small Clojure projects exceed the cost of creating and maintaining them (large emphasis on 'personally seen' - I'm not saying they definitely don't have value in any situation).

I am open to being convinced, however!
