
Timezone conversion from source city not working

laxman20 opened this issue · 10 comments

In my screenshot, I am trying to determine what time in Toronto corresponds to 12:00pm in Accra (12:00pm in Accra -> Toronto).
Instead I am seeing the reverse (12:00pm in Toronto -> Accra)

Screen Shot 2019-12-10 at 12 22 42 PM

Getting the same issue here.

try 3 components: e.g. tz accra 0. 0500. I found that using 0. (the offset) helps the date output to come out for today. The date output is otherwise wrong if you use another positive integer, and missing if you use 0.

Screenshot 2020-09-24 at 16 53 53

I don't think it works even with the addition of 0.
Screen Shot 2020-10-16 at 10 49 12 AM

Remove the colon from your 24HR formatted time.

It's not in an ideal state right now though, but it works when you understand it xD

with magic 0. works from me, however it would be great to get it fixed