
Unable to retrieve username! Most likely: incorrect login or password!

yukinarija opened this issue · 2 comments


Is this still working as is?

withings-garmin-v2 <..>$ ./sync.py
Can't read config file config/withings_user.json

  •     W A R N I N G               *

User interaction needed to get Authentification Code from Withings!

Open the following URL in your web browser and copy back the token. You will have 30 seconds before the token expires. HURRY UP!
(This is one-time activity)


Token : 14e0bd27d3f81b8a4266e1ac8f23c113fff74b23
Withings: Get Access Token
Withings: Refresh Access Token
Withings: Get Measurements
Measurements received
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
Unable to retrieve username! Most likely: incorrect login or password!
Bad response during GC upload: 403

Yes; I think you're missing Garmin user and password.

It should be in form

/sync.py --garmin-username=<garmin user> --garmin-password=<password>

Or hardcode it in sync.py

Best regards,

Fixed in Commit 79e5e55

Added a check if both Garmin user and password is set:

jhartman@wieloryb:~/scripts/withings-garmin-v2$ ./sync.py
Garmin username or password not set!